Step-By-Step Guide to Find Your Marketing Agency For Your Woman-Owned Business Finding the right marketing agency for your business can be a game-changer. Whether you’re a small local business or an expanding enterprise, the right marketing partner can help you reach new heights. But how do you find the perfect match? This guide will walk […]

How Do I Find a Marketing Agency For My Business?

We wanted to bring to your attention some significant updates in email deliverability requirements from major providers like Google and Yahoo that will come into effect in early 2024.

Email Regulation Updates: February 1st, 2024

The Four Day Work Week at Petal & Bloom Tech Marketing

Have you started planning your Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing strategy yet? If not, it’s time to get going. The biggest shopping days of the year will be here before you know it. You need to make sure you’re ready to crush your sales and gain new customers.

Top 5 Tips for Black Friday & Cyber Monday Marketing

The Secret Sauce to Email Personalization

Email newsletters are a popular and effective way to connect with your audience, but with so many newsletters flooding people’s inboxes, it can take time to stand out. Personalization is the secret sauce that can help you create more relevant and compelling emails that resonate with your subscribers. By segmenting your audience, using dynamic content, personalizing the subject line, sending triggered emails, and utilizing personalization tools, you can deliver emails that capture your subscribers’ attention and keep them engaged.

The Secret Sauce to Email Personalization

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The Gram

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